Monday 19 December 2016

Analysis of three feature pages

This issue is about how bands create lyrics of their songs. They've used the theme of creative process of making lyrics a simple notepad.The faithless lyrics is shown in hand written font and displayed on this taped paper.The lyrics is annotated with the explanation and meaning of the lyrics.The annotations are numbered,to guide the reader.

The colour scheme used:black and white.Those are conventional colour's of rock.The names of the bands are all in red font,to make them stand out and to colour code them for the reader to easily find the name of the band.Scribbles and tiny drawings are splat around the double page spread,this is to empathize the creative and making process of songwriting.Even the actual logo of the band is mentioned.

Some drawings represent conventional symbol used in rock.The lighting bolt represent power.The inverted cross is used a lot by black metal bands such as the MCR featured here on this magazine to show their supposed devotion to Satan.

The language used is simple and is directly addressed to the reader a lot,to attract attention and create a relationship with the reader. Rhetorical questions are used to make the reader think,this is further used by using ellipses.

The whole feature mainly focus on the biggest image of the far left.The band member has a expression on his face as if his thinking,this is to reinforce the process of making.He is holding a notepad,which puts the whole theme together of scribbles and writing.

This feature has an interesting big image of a man looking into a mirror however,he is differently reflected on the mirror than he is shown.The mirror reflects him looking angry and fierce,in reality he is supposedly calm and collected.Perhaps this is to reflect how the article describes him and to show his individuality and inner feelings.Biffy is topless for the purpose to to show his tatoos on his body,sugesting the lifestyle he leads and rock genre.This article is different to many other in the magazine and is more personal which attracts the readers.Furthermore the image stretches out across the whole two pages,it is unusual and challenges the conventions of a rock magazine as normally the main image would cover only a single page.

The colour scheme used is simple as it only based on three colours : black and red and white.
The title "demons be gone!"is red to empathize the idea of the "demons" that is mentioned.The choisce of of red reinforces the house style of the magazine. 

The page would be read first from the the top of the left side than up and down the right side.This is very effective as the reader would look at the first representation of him being calm and than would see his reflection of him being completely the opposite.This is used to create this idea that he is shown differently to what he actually is.

The only text included on the left side page introduces the article.It reveals us that the interviewr "james McMahon"discussed the bands "long,hard road out of hell".The use of the word "hell" links with the "demons" in the title and suggests the article will talk about the struggles they had to go through during their rocky career path.The reader is therefore encouraged to find out more of what struggles they experienced.

The main article starts with a bigger capital letter in size comparing to the the rest of the article otherwise knows as the drop capital ,which meets the conventions of magazine articles.Those drop capitals are used throughout the article,this acts as a subheading and indicates the change in the bands life.

This is a double spread page,the theme through out uses typical colours used in rock;black,red and white.All of the images are dull and dark,the biggest image is used as a background for the whole issue,this puts the whole theme together..

The masthead is of a quote taken from the band.The font matches the magazines house style,It is bold and artsy.The quote used has two different colours with the most important being larger and a lighter colour,which tell the reader who the article is about as it includes the bands name.Furthermore the title is slightly slanted,this makes the page it look more interesting and inventive.

The subheading underneath the title reveals more information about what the article is going to cover.The name of the band is in bold text to make it stand out.

The first letter if the article is in different colour and larger.This is to indicate to the reader where the article begins and to make it look trendy and attractive.It also invited the reader in to read.

The written text is organised into columns,making it neat and easy to read.The main text is hugely smaller than the headline.The dark background really makes the white text stand out.There is a main text with two collums and an extra column with black text on white background which gives more context to the main text.This side text is not relevant to the article but is related to who it is talking about.

The header informs the reader this article is "news" and and brags about how it is an "world exclusive which makes the reader feel this is a special article as only Kerrang! readers would be able to read it.

The images are of the band member and shows them working with their music and in concerts.Therefore it links with the the genre of music the whole magazine covers.Each image has a small caption underneath,it is not very noticeable but still mentioned in case the reader wanted more context on the image.

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