Monday 12 December 2016

Analysis of three content pages

Content pages taken from magazines under the rock genre:

The masthead is conventionally put at the top left of the content page with the"this week" text in a different font and colour to make it stand out.It also tells the reader that the content page covers all the highlights of this week and it implies the information that is received is current.

Band Index informs all the reader what bands are going to be featured.In addition each band name is tagged with its page number.The purpose of this is that if the reader is interested in a particular band they can scheme through it and find what they are looking for by being guided by the page numbers.

Furthermore all of the content is helpfully categorized and organised into 5 sections so the reader could scheme though and find things quickly.The content page follows conventions with the freshest "News" are at the top and "reviews" on the back pages.

The "plus" tells us there is even more contents which hypes up the reader and satisfies them.

At the bottom of the page there is an offer of subscription of the magazine using the phrase "subscribe today and save over 45 pounds".This makes the viewer feel special as if they subscribed they would pay less than a normal costumer and by subscribing they would feel part of a community.The word "save" would attract younger buyers.

The colour scheme of this content page:red,black,yellow and white.The colour yellow is used on the font of the offer as it associated with richness and happiness.The colour red reflects the images utilized and symbolizes the rock genre ,as the colour is linked to it.Black font on white background is used frequently as black is very bold and on top of the white background it is very clear and easy to read.

The content page mainly focuses on the middle images that takes up most of the page,this will immediately draw the readers attention to image and will help to grow interest to the band and as to why is it so important that it evidently takes out most of the space.

The layout of this content page is very clattered which emphasizes the rock genre as rock music is associated with rebellion.Names of band have a bold font to make them stand out.If there reader was looking for a particular band, they would find it easily.

The content is organised into eight sections.The "feedback" and latest "news" is at the front of the magazine-follows conventions.The "reviews" are at the back of the magazine .All of the articles and features are laid out in chronological order according to their page numbers this makes it very simple for the reader to find what they want.

The language used is very simple and there is a use of direct address this makes it easy for the reader to understand as well as the direct address creates a more of a personal relationship with the reader and grabs attention.

There is an editors comment placed on the left side of the content page,it is directly approached to the audience by sharing personal experience and thoughts.However the font used is very small, this is because it doesn't need to be read unless someone is interested but the picture of the editor shows the appreciation,that the editorial is worth mentioning.The editor comments on what their thoughts were on working with a band,this gives a back story to the article and share more information about the band.

The colour scheme used for this content page:white,yellow,black and red.The most important content is highlighted in yellow,so they stand out.The issue number and masthead is the only thing coloured white this is because those things would always be there and need to be mentioned.The red colour is used for the page numbering ,this is always red because it be easier for the reader to find stuff.

The colour scheme follow conventional colours used in rock.Those colours are linked to rock therefore make it clear what type of genre of music this magazine covers.The sub-heading are bolder to guide the reader and depict what they are looking for quicker.The issue number and page number are white because they would always be there.A regular reader would find it easier this as they would be used to the general colour scheme used.

The layout of the Q magazines content page is very sophisticated and bold,this means its more targeted towards a more matur audience.Its different from usual rock content pages as it stretches out through two pages. The images tagged with page numbers illustrate to the reader to what the the articles on those pages is going to cover and brings interests as well as a backbone to the article.The biggest feature has the biggest image,as its the most important.

The language used is also very sophisticated as the style and layout of the magazine,the theme is kept through out.The font is very simple on both pages,this makes it easy to read and not over dramatizing makes the content page very sophisticated.

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