Monday 5 December 2016

AS analysis of a magazines cover pages

I will be analysing a rock genre magazine cover to further look into how a rock genre magazine cover is done and the conventions of so, I can apply to my main task.
This is a rock genre magazine cover published by “KERRANG!” Starting from the bold masthead, it draws attention; the font is black and has slits through it which refers to the conventions of rock; being rebellious. The magazine follows a C layout; the cover is read from top round the image to the bottom. The main image is of a band this is common in rock magazines to have a popular band featured as stars are admire by the audience this would increase sales. The band that is the main featured “Avenged sevenfold” must be huge to draw attention as well as make it clear that this is what the main feature of the magazine is. The main models represented as rebellious, aggressive and dangerous. We can tell this through body language with one the model with an open mouth leaning forward while holding a chain and others holding a bat or a pipe which, the audience would associate with violence and gangs .Tattoos are also very common in rock magazine covers, it shows they are not afraid to self-express and go against rules of society, this would relate to teenagers as they would want to find themselves through music. This is even emphasized by the sub-heading “ the world most dangerous band “this intrigues the reader Main image is an establishing shot, this shit was sued to show what they are wearing and their makeup .Furthermore, the band members are casually dress with jeans and a top making them looks quite laid-back, this is commonly seen in rock covers. The three main colours used are: red, yellow, white. The colours link to the models cloths and makeup; it suits the colour scheme and puts the whole cover together. The different types of fonts are used to make it look more interesting and eye-catching.
Free posters persuade readers to purchase the magazine and appeals to teenagers as they would be interesting in something free. Different bands are mentioned in the feature stories to attract the audience if they see one of their favourite bands, which will make them want to read the magazine. The small but noticeable Barcode has a date on to so the audience will know whether it is a new feature. The price is quite cheap which would attract the younger audience. Media language is very direct, the models is looking straight out of the magazine, drawing the reader in and direct language and also by looking directly at the reader it makes it more personal and attracts the readers to the magazine.“25 metal anthems you must own the banners show other things that will be includes in the magazine, the white font witting on the yellow background stands out.
The lightening uses in the main image is high key making the image clear and more fun, the colours are very saturated and intense suggesting a good atmosphere which attracts the audience to the featured band and wanting to get to know them more. This is a very common way of how males would be represented in rock genre.

The male are conventionally represented as they are shown as very masculine and strong .The denotations of the models showing off their biceps and muscles, standing with wide open legs and chins up also tells us they are confident.

Kerrang! magazine is published by hamburg based bauer media group which is kerrangs institution.they are in charge of distributing,,marketing and producing different media products.. Kerrang is a magazine but also provides an online subscription alternative,has a radio and its own TV channel.This means they can address to more possible consumers.Bauer only distribute only under the rock and pop culture,this means they are specialized in that area. Kerrang magazine is published weekly and their circulation is around 20,000.Each magazines sells for 2.20 pounds each in supermarkets such as asda in the uk.

Classic rock” gets published once every month. The price varies from £4.25 to 5.99 depending on the content and if any freebies are included. It is mostly always around 350 pages long, quite large due to it being released every month. It targets an audience between 16 and 60 yrs. old.

A freebie “free CD!” is included with the magazine shown by a yellow post note on the left top corner. Though it’s a freebie it would still attract an older audience because the type of music and the band has been out there for a very long time.

The masthead is large and bold; it covers the whole top of the magazine and on a black background it really stands out for the reader to see. The font that has been used makes it look rebellious-following conventions and will appeal to people who are big fans of “classic rock”. This masthead relates to the audience as it is stated alone in the name that it is about rock.

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