Monday 30 January 2017

Media Photoshoot photos

The following photos are pictures I took for my magazine. Some of those photos were used for my contents , cover and feature page.

Friday 27 January 2017

Photoshoot Timetable

This was the time table I made that planned my to photoshoots my photos for my media magazine. This was created provide me (the photographer/art director) information on what people are needed for each shoot and equipment as well the time and place of the shoot.

Monday 23 January 2017


I have created two flat plans for the cover page , feature page and contents page.This will give me a variety of ideas for my media product

My double page spread will be have the main mode on the side of the page with other images on the other side while the main text will be  spreading across the model in the left side and the text to the right.  This is because people read from left to right and therefore the model will catch the readers attentions and show them what the article will be about..  The title of the double page will spread across the pages under the models head.
The text will be laid out into three columns .

Here are the plans for my front page.I would like my cover model to be centered in the middle with name of an artist and their quote besides the model.The masthead positioned on the right top of the page being the biggest text on the page.The barcode and price in small text places on top of the page next to the logo.There will small images with text explaining the content briefly surrounding the main image. Im also planning to include a freebie of free posters .Both plans follow the conventions of a magazine cover however i decide to base my magazine on the flat-plan on the left as i prefer the c-layout of the magazine.

Those are the flat plans for my contents page.The one on the left was inspired by classic rock magazine content pages.On the left side there page numbers along with content of each page .The masthead logo is on the top right.The main image is the biggest.The content is split into categories to make to it organised and help the reader to find what they wants.On the other side we have a flat plan inspired by kerrang! its laid out differently to the other flat plan as everything is laid horizontally on the page there is also images.The one on the right focuses more on having images.Both follow the guides to a successful content page as they are well organised and follow conventions.I decided to follow the flat plan on the right as i think i having a lot of images to each is more interesting than lots of text and the i really the lay out.

Friday 20 January 2017

Questionnaire results

Those are the results that i have collected from a group of 20 people ,represented in the form of a pie chart.Each chart will show you the results to each of my questions.

This chart shows the age groups whose responses were collected.Majority of the people were 13-18 and the second biggest group was 15-21.My target group focuses on young adults therefore, those results will be useful in seeing what my target group wants there to be in my planned project of a magazine thus, helping me to make successful.

In this questions i asked the participants to tick the box with the colour they prefer.More than half of them said: red,black,white , this is no surprise as we associate those colours with the rock genre.The second most popular was : navy,black blue this slightly unconventional to the genre but can be fitted to the rock as it still is a quite dark colour.I will therefore definitely include the classic colours but also include other dark colour like navy blue.

The chart below shows us what the people asked said about the content that they would most likely want to see in my rock magazine.Eight of them said interviews therefore seeing the popularity of this type of content i will make the main article an interview with a rock a rock artist.Five said news should be in the in the product so, in my magazine i will ensure there is information of new artists and progress of current artists included. Others said reviews and feature artists as well as advice but that was the popular.I will also include those to appeal to everyone.

This chart just show the percentage of the males and females of the group i asked.90% were females therefore i need to keep that in mind that those questions were mostly answered by female so i will be appealing to that group.

I gave the participants a number of mastheads to choose from .Most chose the first masthead , this masthead was simple and bold unlike the others that looked more artistic.The second one had this effect of liquid pouring onto it resembling blood 6 people people chose this masthead perhaps because they agreed that it would fit the rock genre as it is gory.The thirst masthead was the least popular,it has an urban style.I will use the first masthead as it was popular for its simplicity.
This question concerned itself about how often would the magazine be published .9/20 said weekly  therefore i will make the magazine to be published weekly.
I also asked the people to state their preference on types of rock music.The results were quite evenly spread out except classic which only got 2/10 perhaps because classic rock is outdated and old nto appealing to the target audience.The others scores 6/20 each therefore i will include different types of artists that perform either electronic,pop or indie music.
Finally for the last question i asked if they would want a free gift in their magazine.All said yes therfore i will include a freebie in the magazine. 
These are the results I achieved through the questionnaire. I found out that pop rock was popular in my research. i will try to focus to make my magazine look like a pop rock magazine by looking at other Delete repeated word.I also found out that the age group is young teenagers, this means the prices of the magazine would have to be low to be affordable to my target audience. Moreover, I got an grasp of what my audience wants my content of the magazine to cover.Most people preferred interviews but the rest of choices were pretty evenly distributed.Therefore I will try to cover all content mentioned but focus on interviews to specifically target my audience. I discovered that people felt that the most suitable colour scheme for my rock magazine was red, black and white.Therefor I will try to adapt it to my houstyle. The  people I questionnaired said they wanted the first font to be the masthead so, I will use this font as the masthead of my rock magazine. Through this questionnaire i found what my audience would want the magazine to look like and its content as well the prices of the magazines

Thursday 19 January 2017


For the design of our magazine, we were asked to create a questionnaire to give out ,which would help us to find out more about our target audience for the media magazine product. This is the questionnaire I gave out randomly for people to fill out:

Development of main main task

Firstly i went for a more darker colour scheme for the cover but than thought that the cover would look more attractive with more neutral colours whilst still commiting to the black , red and white colour scheme.My masthead has a sort of metallic look but than i changed it to look more simple .The main image also changed , its the same model and prop however the way the anqor is position changed .When getting feedback from my teachers and peer they said some fonts and the barcode was unclear therefore i made the barcode bigger and made folder with added drop shadows.I also changed the positioning of the buttons .

My content page didnt take upon huge transformations however i added things such such as the editors signature and  rather  than adding one image to each of the titles at the top i had two.

Friday 13 January 2017

Textual Analysis:Design elements

1.Publication often use the rule of three to simplify things for the reader.This is when the design of the magazine has only three main colour's. When only those main colour's are used,the cover will look more neat and professional.When this rule of three is challenged, the cover would look unorganized and so it would loose its appeal.

In this example the three main colours work together with the main image.For instance the guitar has is silver and black so,the colour of the titles is also black and gold.
2.There are three main conventional layouts;z layout,c layout and T layout.The most popularly used is the C layout where,the masthead is at the top and the text goes round the main image either on the left or the right as you can see in this example:

It supports the narrative because the reader would read from the top to the bottom and end up at the corner of the page which, would make her/him flip the page and read on,

The T layout is when text is laid out on one of the side of the main image and has a masthead at the top.This is not commonly used but work really well with some main images,Lastly the Z layout is when there is a masthead at the top, text at the top and text in the middle across the main image.This is an example:

3A typefacerefers to an individual family member of a font.Typefaces are imprtant because because it guides the leader as to what is the most important in texts for example using a different typeface for the subtitle,makes the subtitle stand out.Avariation of different typefaces keeps the reader interested and using typefaces means that it will stay longer in the readers head.

Monday 9 January 2017

Case study

Kerrang is published by Hamburg based Bauer Media Group-media Company , which owns more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio and TV stations all around the world.The media group has got multiple of different media brand, including heat and also a radio range of national radio brands such as KISS FM UK and Magic as well as regional radio brands in big cities in the UK.

Kerrang genrally specializes in rock music. Between the 1980's and early 1990's the magazine often organised thrash metal acts on the cover like the Motley Crue,slayer and Bon Jovi.However,it was often criticized for this as it repeatedly did this everytimes a new musical trend became very popular and known.

Kerrang! Magazine is published by Hamburg based Bauer media group which is kerrangs institution. They are in charge of distributing, marketing and producing different media products. Kerrang is a magazine but also provides an online subscription alternative, has a radio and its own TV channel. This means they can address to more possible consumers. Bauer only distribute only under the rock and pop culture, this means they are specialized in that area. Kerrang magazine is published weekly and their circulation is around 20,000.Each magazines sells for 2.20 pounds each in supermarkets such as ASDA in the UK.

The magazine mainly is targeted at males ages between 15 years old to 25 years old.This can be seen by the atmosphere and tone of the cover page, especially in the name of the magazine itself, which is shattered like broken glass.The very use of red across the cover signifys blood and anger.The whole look of the cover page is violent and very direct , the name sof the bands that are featured on the cover are also violent.Therefore, this would appeal to the sense of rebellion and violence in young adult males.An example of those names if foo fighters,rise agaisnt all, all of those examples are soemthing to do with resistance and the idea of violence.Those elements of the magazine must remain to attract this type of audience.

Monday 2 January 2017

Mood board for my main task

I have collected different types of images and symbols that emulate the genre of rock. In my mood boards I have pictures of famous  bands ,rock artists and band names .The reason is because they form the significance of the rock genre.I chose dark colours for my mood boards it was a common thing in rock and it reflected the conventions of rock magazines. The mood board i have helped me to get ideas for my final media product.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Labelling magazine covers

Magazine Cover
  • Typography is the typeface or font that is used in print text to make a specific text stand out for example like word "The Trend Issue" on the cover
  • Teasers are short phrases on the front cover which are used to tempt the reader to buy the publication.This is shown  "hollywoods most-wwanted newcomer"
  • "FASHION" This is a Masthead (tittle of a magazine)