Friday 13 January 2017

Textual Analysis:Design elements

1.Publication often use the rule of three to simplify things for the reader.This is when the design of the magazine has only three main colour's. When only those main colour's are used,the cover will look more neat and professional.When this rule of three is challenged, the cover would look unorganized and so it would loose its appeal.

In this example the three main colours work together with the main image.For instance the guitar has is silver and black so,the colour of the titles is also black and gold.
2.There are three main conventional layouts;z layout,c layout and T layout.The most popularly used is the C layout where,the masthead is at the top and the text goes round the main image either on the left or the right as you can see in this example:

It supports the narrative because the reader would read from the top to the bottom and end up at the corner of the page which, would make her/him flip the page and read on,

The T layout is when text is laid out on one of the side of the main image and has a masthead at the top.This is not commonly used but work really well with some main images,Lastly the Z layout is when there is a masthead at the top, text at the top and text in the middle across the main image.This is an example:

3A typefacerefers to an individual family member of a font.Typefaces are imprtant because because it guides the leader as to what is the most important in texts for example using a different typeface for the subtitle,makes the subtitle stand out.Avariation of different typefaces keeps the reader interested and using typefaces means that it will stay longer in the readers head.

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