Thursday 13 October 2016

3 waves of feminism timeline

1900 - 1920s: During this period there was a lot of social concerning women. These were the time of womens' suffrage ,fighting for the right to vote. Suffragettes aimed to get the right to vote through violent means as they thought thats it was the only way and peaceful campaigning wans't enough. The media represented the Suffragettes in a very negative light as ugly and immoral. World War One broke out in 1914. There was no one to do the jobs as all men left to figh so, had to replace them and take on thei jobs. The war changed the view on women a lot  and their help in the war effort was rewarded when they got the vote in 1918 ,a victory for the campaigners at last.In 1919 Nancy astor taker her seat as the first women in the house of commons

1930-1940:New inventions such as washing machines and vacuum aided  women and improved conditions of housewives in the 1930s.By the 1930s about one third of women in Britain worked outside the home. One tenth of married women worked however they werent paid equally as men even if they did the same job.When the second world war broke out women helped in the war effort by taking on mens jobs whilst gaining new skills that they used after the war in othe jobs.

1940-1960:The 50s however changed for women because the expectation for women was that they would marry and become the perfect housewife however, most women went to school and straight to work before they then got married.By the 1960s, 38% of married women worked.

1970-1980:The Equal Pay Act was passed in 1971. Men and women were to be paid the same wage for doing the same work and  The Sex Discrimination Act was passed in 1975. Women were to be treated in the same way as men in education, housing and employment.But women in britian are still earning less as they are employed in less skilled and lower paid jobs.Also Many women are expected to work and look after a home at the same time.

1990-2016 women now in britian have the same rights as men and are treated as equals.Now it is the norm for women to express themselves as who they are.However women are still somehow sexualised in the media.Certainee xpectations of how to look and behave and the pressure to be pretty still exists until now

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