Thursday 27 October 2016

Lightening and colour

This shot has high key lightening from below it makes the subject appear threatening.The colours are saturated and they are very intense and rich.This empathizes the conflict and violence of the scene and reflects the characters moods of fear.The high key lightening however makes the scene appear less intense than it would be with low key lightening,perhaps this was use to create sense of hope of the scenario.The character that is strangling is represented as dangerous and violent however teh chcaracter that is being strangled is being represnted as a victim of the other characters violence

 This shot has low key lightening. It uses black and grey colour's suggesting it was set in the past.It make the scene look very quire and mysterious.The use of dark colour's adds to the mysteriousness.
This shot has high key lightening which maybe reflects the characters moods.This reveals that this was shot during daylight and that's is in the present.The colours are very bright and intense suggesting a good atmosphere.This shot could possibly be taken from a rom-com film as it conventionaly has bright intense colours and lightening is very bright too.

This shot has low key lightening and uses black and white colour's. The back-lightening makes the main object feel mysterious by producing a distinct shadow/silhouette of the main object.The lightening in the shot lets the audience anticipate of what is going to happen.

This shot uses low key lightening ,there is a high contrast of light and dark areas.The blue added to scene represents the projector telling the audience that this was shot in a cinema .The lightening is mainly focused on the alien creature high lightening his metal form.
This shot has high key lightening and there are deep distinct shadows formed in the scene.The colours are very simple and plain suggests a sad atmosphere.The shadow further reinforce this down atmosphere and reflect the heavy mood of the cast.

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