Thursday 6 October 2016

Representation and stereotyopes of women

As my homework task i will exploring how women are represented in Horror films and how has the way they are represented changed over the years.I will achieve this by picking a few films from different dates and comparing the representation of women with them


In this film the main female lead was employed as a secretary.This was a typical role of women in the workforce during the 60's.They had less powerful jobs than men that usually was supporting men jobs in some sort of way.

Scream (1996)

'Scream' portrays the main female lead as vulnerable and very gullible however, possessing strong characteristics such as curiosity,vigilance and intelligence.In this film women are stereotypically shown as the victim and the man is shown as the monster. But when the heroin finally captures the killer she represented as strong and powerful and therefore showing a feminist ideology:women have empowerment over men.

The descent (2005)
This time its not the men that is the monster or enemy but nature.It represents women as strong and independent who are capable of fighting difficult life threatening situations as well as are able to work together as a team.This promotes girl power.

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