Thursday 27 October 2016

Lightening and colour

This shot has high key lightening from below it makes the subject appear threatening.The colours are saturated and they are very intense and rich.This empathizes the conflict and violence of the scene and reflects the characters moods of fear.The high key lightening however makes the scene appear less intense than it would be with low key lightening,perhaps this was use to create sense of hope of the scenario.The character that is strangling is represented as dangerous and violent however teh chcaracter that is being strangled is being represnted as a victim of the other characters violence

 This shot has low key lightening. It uses black and grey colour's suggesting it was set in the past.It make the scene look very quire and mysterious.The use of dark colour's adds to the mysteriousness.
This shot has high key lightening which maybe reflects the characters moods.This reveals that this was shot during daylight and that's is in the present.The colours are very bright and intense suggesting a good atmosphere.This shot could possibly be taken from a rom-com film as it conventionaly has bright intense colours and lightening is very bright too.

This shot has low key lightening and uses black and white colour's. The back-lightening makes the main object feel mysterious by producing a distinct shadow/silhouette of the main object.The lightening in the shot lets the audience anticipate of what is going to happen.

This shot uses low key lightening ,there is a high contrast of light and dark areas.The blue added to scene represents the projector telling the audience that this was shot in a cinema .The lightening is mainly focused on the alien creature high lightening his metal form.
This shot has high key lightening and there are deep distinct shadows formed in the scene.The colours are very simple and plain suggests a sad atmosphere.The shadow further reinforce this down atmosphere and reflect the heavy mood of the cast.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Mise en scène: Costume, actors, make-up, setting

Setting and props

This scene is set in the kitchen where the household gathers.This gives an effect of sense of community and closeness between the characters.The props shown in the scene fit into the genre of this scene which is comedy sitcom as you have very realistic and common props that are sued in the kitchen such bowls and washing liquid as well cooking ingredients also it has alcohol bottles which suits the genre.This suggests the characters live together .

This scene is set in some rain forest or jungle.There is a wooden thrown decorated with skulls with orange cloths possibly animal skin.The skulls suggest danger and death.There are two guards standing by each side of the throne this shows the character at the centre sitting on the throne is of high status,a powerful and important individual, a leader.The fact that its set in a forest tells us that its on an island.


Costume,hair /makeup/ facial expressions /body language

These two guys one of them is wearing a leather jacket with a checker flannel shirt and white shirt underneath it with grey trousers. He has shoulder length hair and is wearing biker gloves. He is also leaning over towards the other guy. He has a stern bitter expression and giving the other guy an annoyed, distasteful look as if his judging him.

The second character is the biggest subject in the scene .He is wearing a burgundy Hood with a green shirt underneath, he short blond hair. He is much closed and is looking down which tells us his feeling uncomfortable and anxious also suggests he is a quite shy character.

This shot could possibly be taken from a teenage drama film as it conventionally has young people in a classroom and there's tension between the characters.


The scene seems to be in a dining hall as there is a shelf with ceramic plates  and the characters seem to be sitting at a table.The young boy is wearing a plain white shirt and he has a worries expression,his eyes are swollen which suggests he was crying,maybe he is getting told of for something as kids do.We can only see the adults side profile in the scene is smiling .
This scene is set in court.The characters are wearing uniform two of them are wearing army uniform and the one at the front is wearing a pilot uniform.This tell use that they are of high status and look like someone being accuse of something.His hands are put together and his head is high suggests his confident and that his discussing something.The man behind him is putting his hand out like his disagreeing with what he is stating to the court.

Thursday 13 October 2016

3 waves of feminism timeline

1900 - 1920s: During this period there was a lot of social concerning women. These were the time of womens' suffrage ,fighting for the right to vote. Suffragettes aimed to get the right to vote through violent means as they thought thats it was the only way and peaceful campaigning wans't enough. The media represented the Suffragettes in a very negative light as ugly and immoral. World War One broke out in 1914. There was no one to do the jobs as all men left to figh so, had to replace them and take on thei jobs. The war changed the view on women a lot  and their help in the war effort was rewarded when they got the vote in 1918 ,a victory for the campaigners at last.In 1919 Nancy astor taker her seat as the first women in the house of commons

1930-1940:New inventions such as washing machines and vacuum aided  women and improved conditions of housewives in the 1930s.By the 1930s about one third of women in Britain worked outside the home. One tenth of married women worked however they werent paid equally as men even if they did the same job.When the second world war broke out women helped in the war effort by taking on mens jobs whilst gaining new skills that they used after the war in othe jobs.

1940-1960:The 50s however changed for women because the expectation for women was that they would marry and become the perfect housewife however, most women went to school and straight to work before they then got married.By the 1960s, 38% of married women worked.

1970-1980:The Equal Pay Act was passed in 1971. Men and women were to be paid the same wage for doing the same work and  The Sex Discrimination Act was passed in 1975. Women were to be treated in the same way as men in education, housing and employment.But women in britian are still earning less as they are employed in less skilled and lower paid jobs.Also Many women are expected to work and look after a home at the same time.

1990-2016 women now in britian have the same rights as men and are treated as equals.Now it is the norm for women to express themselves as who they are.However women are still somehow sexualised in the media.Certainee xpectations of how to look and behave and the pressure to be pretty still exists until now

Thursday 6 October 2016

Representation and stereotyopes of women

As my homework task i will exploring how women are represented in Horror films and how has the way they are represented changed over the years.I will achieve this by picking a few films from different dates and comparing the representation of women with them


In this film the main female lead was employed as a secretary.This was a typical role of women in the workforce during the 60's.They had less powerful jobs than men that usually was supporting men jobs in some sort of way.

Scream (1996)

'Scream' portrays the main female lead as vulnerable and very gullible however, possessing strong characteristics such as curiosity,vigilance and intelligence.In this film women are stereotypically shown as the victim and the man is shown as the monster. But when the heroin finally captures the killer she represented as strong and powerful and therefore showing a feminist ideology:women have empowerment over men.

The descent (2005)
This time its not the men that is the monster or enemy but nature.It represents women as strong and independent who are capable of fighting difficult life threatening situations as well as are able to work together as a team.This promotes girl power.