Sunday 13 November 2016

Narrative theory

In our lesson we were told to analyze one of the chosen media extracts given to us.I will be analysing the chosen the opening sequence of Dexter

The extract starts with an extreme close of up of a mosquito on the skin, sucking the blood.
. The man wakes up and swats the mosquito and kills its. This already sets this tone of murder and crime. The extract uses low key lightening and has dull unsaturated colours which, makes it feel realistic. After that text is shown with the word “Dexter”, that's looks if it was blood written on paper .This suggests this "DEXTER" is the main character.“Dexter” is the protagonist who is shown and the blood symbolizes crime and deviance.It also tells the audience the title of the programme. Than it goes to a shot out of focus with him looking towards the mirror,perhaps this is to show that he is in a daze. This connotes with taking drugs as his vision is shown as blurry and he's some sort of trance-like state.

Than it moves on to a close up of him shaving , he cuts himself and the camera follows the blood dropping on the basin,this highlights the important's of blood in this extract.Later on there is an extreme close up of him cutting the meat and an egg.Next there's a close to coffee grinding coffee beans which,transitions to the beans being chopped.

The intro brings us intro the word of Dexter and reveals a lot about him.The skin condition and hair reveals about what age he could be,the choice of food tells us about what sort of culture he lives in and his lifestyle and the usage of razors and grinding machine shows as well as the style of cloths he wears suggests what time this was set in.

The common use of representation of blood is very important as it highlights the theme of this drama which is crime ,it also reveals to us that the main character is always surrounded by it.

The whole intro follow Dexter through his morning routine ,which tells us he's just an ordinary person however the overall tone of the intro makes the audience as if there is something hidden beneath the surface.The whole sequence covers a normal routine however each image feels sickening to the audience.Under close inspection all those things are made out to look as violent for example when the meat is being cut you would associate that with murder.This extract used a variety types of shots.There is a frequent use of extreme close ups,demonstrated nicely with the close up of the mosquito and the protagonist shaving.The close ups make the audience feel as if they to look out for something wrong.

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