Monday 28 November 2016

Analysing Rock genre magazines

In this task i will be analysing my chosen genre of music magazines for my main task which is rock.

A                                                                                             B

A-  Rock sounds cover has The main image is of the band called paramore.we see a girl at the front leaning with her index finger in front of her lips. Behind the girl there is the rest of the band, four guys standing with hands in their pockets. The girl being in the centre suggests she’s the most important member of the band and that she’s a lead singer also the finger over her lips suggest she’s telling us a secret which links to the cover line “ the future revealed”. This is challenging the stereotype of usually the band being only men. Here Paramore is represented as very stylish and outgoing and fun as they are wearing bright cloths and the girl has orange bright hair.

B- In the cover of the Kerrang magazine we see a image of the lead singer of green day. There’s a guitar hanging over his shoulder and his looking to the side. The wet hair suggests this picture was taking at a concert. This is an archetype as you would usually see a lead singer with a guitar on the cover and also it’s a white male with long black hair which is stereotypical to the this genre.. He is represented as this violent and aggressive this is suggested by the black cloths.

Monday 21 November 2016

Evaluating my school magazine cover

while making my cover magazine for the heathland school I was aiming for a professional look.
I somehow achieved this as the images are aligned down in a row, this makes it look very neat.I followed my colour scheme of shades of blue as well as the main image looks subtle and bold .
My cover lines and my masthead are bold and clear.My magazine targeted lower school students in heathland that were interested in events happening within the school.In some ways I succeeded in appealing to my target audience as the cover lines talk about events that apply to lower school student. However I could improve the layout of my magazine by adding a button and a banner .
The images I used are outlined which makes them stand out and are very clear.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Devolopments of preminarly task

Here I have edited my main image ; adjusted the levels to make the picture darker and used a lenses effect to make the middle part of the image lighter. There is contrast of dark to light as I wanted the focus of the cover to be the school. I also added the schools logo as its a convention of school magazine and added a drop shadow to it to make it stand out.

Later on, I added images from the school website as well added captions.To all the images I added a glow effect. For the masthead I picked a bold simple font and added a drop shadow effect.