Wednesday 28 September 2016

Representation of gender in rock magazines

I’m going to be researching on how men and women are represented in music magazines particularly the rock genre. This will help me to understand how to represent the anchor model of my magazine based previous magazine covers of rock genre and apply its conventions to my works

Representaion of females in rock magazines

Based on those two magazine covers I think women are sexualised in rock magazines .The first left picture shows Lizzy hale with hands on her hip and her face is still looking up ,making her look strong and rebellious. However she is still being sexualised as she’s wearing really exposed cloths and tights clothes. Her open shirt and v neck accessorised with long necklace draws attention into her chest and breasts. The magazine cover on the right shows Lily Allen half naked with one hand on her hand hip and the other gently placed on her lip which is cunning and sexual but it also looks quite innocent as the facts that she’s half-naked means she’s vulnerable. .However the bottom of her is dark and daring with her leather pants and two panthers as her side this combined creates connotations of aggression and beast’s .Maybe it’s truing to say she’s not as innocent as she seems to be. Both of them are shown as daring and are sexualised the reason for this is because sex sells and we associate rock music with black daring cloths and people that break the rules i.e. rebels as well women are stereotyped as very sexually active and promiscuous.

Representation of males in rock magazines
On the other hand men in the rock genre are often shown as rebellious and cool. The left hand side magazine shows a man with leather jacket with animal patterns, his wearing a bandana with aviators, a silk shirt with a black jacket and black trousers. His outfit is very typical rock as he looks rebellious .His head is put to the side with hands in his pocket which shows us that he confident and careless emphasized by his stern face. The magazine on the right shows us a man looking up standing up straight hand son his hips. He is wearing really dark cloths and has a lot of tattoos showing  . Both of them are shown as rebellious and careless.


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