Thursday 22 September 2016

Applying narrative and audience theories to films

Maze Runner

Thomas wakes up in a strange elevator, with memories lost and no idea what is going to happen. He is accepted into a group full of other teenage boys who call themselves "Gladers" who also don’t remember any past memories. After learning about the Maze that surrounds them all, Thomas becomes obsessed with finding a way out but this is not going to be easy as anyone who enters the maze gets hunted by mysterious cyborg monsters called Grievers. The Maze Runner is an action and suspense film ,it would apply to two of the narrative codes from Roland Barthes' Narrative theory, the enigma code as the audience is left with a mystery to be solves which is the mystery of why no one has memories of the past and answer why are they here and how will they escape?. Furthermore it also links to the action code as there is a lot of action within the maze as they have to fight the monsters as well as suspense is used a lot as there is an atmosphere of uncertainty of whether they will find a way out and survive. The audience would watch this for entertainment and as a way of diversion from their daily life's as this a fantasy based film.

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