Friday 24 February 2017



In this blog, I will be keeping a diary of my progress for my AS Media studies coursework. My main task is to make a 4 page music magazine and my preliminary task is to create a cover for a school magazine, the magazine can contain anything as long as it is do with school and targets the audience I want to target.

My school magazine is a tool for students to get aware of what is happening in school e.g events and clubs so, they can get involved in school life. I'm targeting students from The Heathland school; mainly the lower school as they are more likely to be interested in trips and clubs. I will create a flat plan to arrange my layout ideas and mind map to show my ideas of colour schemes, masthead, fonts and feature stories.

Furthermore for my main task, I will to be thinking about the conventions of a music magazine in order to get a good grade and create a perfect music magazine. I will take my own photos to put into each page linked to my featured stories. Examples of music magazine are: Vibe, Classic Rock, Billboard and TimeOut.

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